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Brent Bill

Board of Trustees

Brent is a writer, photographer, retreat leader, writing coach, and Quaker minister. He has written and co-written many books including Holy Silence: The Gift of Quaker Spirituality and Life Lessons from a Bad Quaker. He's also penned more than one hundred articles and short stories. A graduate of Wilmington College and the Earlham School of Religion, he's served as a local church pastor, director of Christian Education for Western Yearly Meeting, on the staff of the Indiana Association of United Ways, an adjunct faculty member at Earlham School of Religion, the executive vice president of the Indianapolis Center for Congregations, and associate secretary for Friends General Conference. Over the years, Brent has served on the boards or committees of various Quaker organizations including Friends World Committee for Consultation - Section of the Americas and Friends United Meeting, Quaker Haven Camp, Indiana Yearly Meeting, and Western Yearly Meeting. Brent lives on Ploughshares Farm, which is fifty acres of Indiana farmland that is being reclaimed for native hardwood forests and warm season prairie grasses.